about More Musing

We are focusing on building a community, bringing the Mortal Muses photographers together, and making the world a bit smaller. On this page, you will find mission: MUSE, muse university and special features.

Monday, January 31, 2011

what inspires you? - genevieve

mission: MUSE - "what inspires you?"
by guest muse genevieve

I am inspired by the desire to create my own reality and bring you along with me. There is so much ugliness in the world.  Sometimes it takes concerted effort to see the beauty, effort that many people don’t have the time, ability, or circumstances to cultivate. I want to do the work for you. I want to use my camera to blur out the mud, crop away the garbage and skew reality just enough to remind  each of us that there is still good, pretty, sweet, kind, happy things worth looking at.

I want to make you look good. I want my photo of you, with a smile on your face and a spark in your eyes to be the best version of who you are, and I am inspired when I suceed in capturing that and turn it into a tangible thing.

I love the ability to paint with light, splashing sunshine on your best features for everyone to see and sending a shadow in to protect a flaw from the eyes of those same viewers. I want my photos of you to boost your confidence, make you feel good…make you realise you are beautiful because if I succeed then maybe, in some small way, that validates my reason for being.  Maybe reminding you of that was my contribution…and it inspires me to try again…

Genevieve Letkeman

facebook: Genevieve M. Letkeman
flickr: geneletk


"what inspires you?" is the the second mission of mission: MUSE series.
You may submit an entry to mortalmuses {at} yahoo.com.


  1. Beautiful photos;I particularly love the first one - the expression on her face is just wonderful.

  2. Beautiful inspiration. That first image - says it all. Thank-you!

  3. It DOES look like you have "painted with light" in a few of these pretty photos ;)
    Nice post!

  4. Lovely post. Thank you for musing with us and being a daily source of inspiration. xo tam

  5. really amazing work here wow Genevieve I covet your illuminating use of light.

  6. What a wonderful outlook! Gorgeous shots and they do make me happy when I look at them. Thanks for sharing!
