about More Musing

We are focusing on building a community, bringing the Mortal Muses photographers together, and making the world a bit smaller. On this page, you will find mission: MUSE, muse university and special features.

Friday, January 14, 2011

"what inspires you?" - meg

mission: MUSE - "what inspires you?"
by guest muse megan

My Muses

I have distinct memories from my childhood of being amazed by the world... the most vivid recollection is climbing a tree and, from the highest limb I could brave, feeling the wind rushing through the leaves, rustling through my hair, and teasing my face.  I remember feeling so exhilarated; feeling carried away by some mysterious beauty.  I have carried that sensation of wonder deep in my heart and now as an adult, I find inspiration all around me...

Mother Nature has remained one of my major muses.  What could be more awe-inspiring than our planet?  I am so fortunate to have a wonderful friend by my side to experience this amazing place... and my husband Jamie just so happens to be another one of my muses.  He also sees the world through an artist's eyes and is a constant source of support for me in my endeavors.  We love to hold hands and explore the beautiful beaches and state/national parks in our area... I can always count on Jamie to help me find creative shots and to enjoy the beauty, inspiration, and peace of our natural surroundings.

Animals have also always been dear to my heart, especially my beloved pets.  This is a portrait of Valkor Wolfmoon, my beautiful dogter who passed away years ago.  I now have six other pets (three cats and three dogs) who are the recurring subjects of my artistic projects.  Their unique personalities shine through and add grace, humor, and warmth to my photographs... they inspire me in beautiful ways.

Ever since I was a child perched on my father's lap listening to him murmur softly to me, I have been passionate about books.  I love the feel of the binding, the smell of the pages, the various use of typography and illustration, and the worlds that await within.  Stories from all realms stir my imagination and provide great inspiration for my creative pursuits.

Like reading, my love affair with art and music has been a driving force through my whole life.  The emotions that are stirred inside me resonate through to my artistic side, creating the frame of mind and perception that I use to create.  Something awakens inside of me; a door opens and I am flooded with inspiring sensations... I harness this power as a catalyst for my projects.

All around me there is inspiration... and I am so grateful for my many muses.

Love, MEG - Megan Belcher of http://megula.blogspot.com/


"what inspires you?" is the the second mission of mission: MUSE series.
After you submit a "where i live" post, you may submit an entry to mortalmuses {at} yahoo.com.


  1. Beautiful photos and a post full of some of my favorite things.

  2. I've been in Texas all week for work and am just now getting caught up... I saw this post in my Blogger list and squealed! Thank you so much for the honor of being a part of this wonderful group :)

  3. You are awesome. Love ya sis!

  4. You are such an amazing seeker. Your openness and your awareness keep you growing and evolving. I'm so grateful to be an observer of your constant becoming.
    Verlon Brickey
